The 5-Move Workout That’ll Help You Blast Cals Even When Your Kids Won’t Leave You Alone

Elyse Miller is an ACE-certified personal trainer and a mother of two. Follow her on Instagram @FitElyse. 

This morning, I was chased up and down the stairs for 10 minutes by a roaring dinosaur. Then, I was attacked repeatedly by a poisonous snake and forced to hop over it 20 times. 

Needless to say, my workouts have changed a lot since having babies. More often than not, I find myself including my wiggly 24-pounder and my imaginative 33-pounder in my exercises.

Squeezing in a workout when you have little ones can be tough, but it’s one of the best things a mom can do for herself. The bulk of a mother’s day is feeding, changing diapers, and cleaning (so much cleaning). We deserve—scratch that, we NEED—15 to 20 minutes to work on ourselves, even if we’re not technically alone. (Tone up, beat stress, and feel great with Rodale’s new With Yoga DVD.)

Burning your muscles and getting your body moving lifts your spirit and your booty. You will be a better mom and a better you. Plus, you’ll be setting an example of discipline and healthy living for those little eyes that are watching you. Here’s a quick toning workout you can do right at home with your kiddos. Repeat the entire workout two to three times. Go get it, mamas!

workout wednesday baby