The Exact Moves That Helped Me Lose More than 80 Pounds

I started the New Year by cooking more for myself. I knew that was something I needed to do to lose weight, but now I was actually doing it. I was never a fan of veggies, but I started sautéing kale, roasting other veggies, and making my own chicken by cooking it in olive oil.

(Start working towards your weight loss goals with these recipes from Women’s Health’s Body Clock Diet.)

I also made an effort to eat salads for lunch. If I didn’t have time to cook, I bought a Luvo frozen meal, which is low in salt and high in protein, or picked up a salad. Another thing that’s worked for me is eating slower. I really had to train myself to slow down so my body could register when I was full.

RELATED: 8 Weight-Loss Hacks for People Who Don’t Cook

Becoming more mindful about what I was eating was huge for my weight loss, too. I didn’t let eating one unhealthy meal keep me from eating right at the next. Instead of thinking, “Well, my day is blown. I’ll just eat whatever,” I made an effort not to buy junk food the rest of the day.

At my office, we get a ton of food sent to us. So if I eat something like a giant cookie, I’ll eat part of it, enjoy it, and then stop eating. I know I don’t need the whole thing.

I eat a lot of fruit as snacks, especially in the summer. Raw nuts, Trader Joe’s trail mix, Greek yogurt, and a cheese stick also help take the edge off between meals.