The rotten truth about kids’ teeth

This is a health crisis as shocking as it is wide-ranging, and one that experts say was wholly preventable. According to a report released by the Royal College of Surgeons yesterday, record numbers of under-fives are having rotten teeth removed.

Hospital extractions among pre-school children have soared by 24 per cent in just ten years.

Astonishingly, even babies are affected — last year alone, 47 infants under the age of one had newly grown milk teeth taken out.

‘The youngest child I have extracted a decayed tooth from was 18 months old,’ says children’s dentist Dr Jeremy Kaufman, who extracts children’s rotten teeth on a daily basis. ‘We are not doing enough to prevent child dental decay.’

Dentists say there is an increasing rate of child dental decay and not enough is being done to promote good health
Dentists say there is an increasing rate of child dental decay and not enough is being done to promote good health

Dentists say there is an increasing rate of child dental decay and not enough is being done to promote good health

From well-meaning mums unknowingly plying their children with sugary foods to those whose breastfeeding on demand can have surprisingly harmful consequences, we examine the causes behind the dental disaster.

Even milk is a culprit  

Rather than leave their child to cry themselves to sleep, well-meaning but time-pressed parents are giving their baby or toddler a bottle to help settle them in their cots.

But pre-bedtime drinks are one of the major culprits of tooth decay, especially when a baby falls asleep with a bottle still in their mouth.

‘Milk contains lactose, which is a wheat sugar that sticks to the front teeth, and when we’re asleep we don’t produce any saliva to wash this sugar off,’ says Dr Kaufman, who runs a private practice for children in North London.

With most major brands of formula milk containing up to 8g of sugar per 100ml feed, this can have wreak havoc on a toddler’s teeth. Karen Coates, dental adviser for the Oral Health Foundation, says: ‘Children are creatures of habit, and if they get used to falling asleep with a bottle they’ll always want one.

‘The last thing a child should have in their mouth before bed is a toothbrush.’

Surprisingly, Dr Kaufman also says breastfeeding, around the clock, a baby or toddler with teeth — something mothers who subscribe to attachment parenting often do — can also cause problems, as breast milk contains 7g of natural sugars per 100ml.

‘I saw a two-year old child yesterday with six holes in their teeth caused by being breastfed on demand,’ he adds.


Many parents believe there is no need to care for their little ones’ teeth as they are temporary.

‘There is a common misconception that milk teeth don’t matter because they are going to fall out anyway,’ says dentist Dr Mervyn Druian.

‘But they act as “space maintainers” for the permanent teeth that replace them. So if they have to be removed because of decay, the wrong tooth may come forward in its place.’ Not only that, says Dr Kaufman, but tooth decay can result in wide-ranging issues: ‘Holes can cause infection, gum problems and difficulties eating, leading to poor sleep and general malaise.

‘We’re not doing nearly enough to prevent child tooth decay and the blame lies with everyone — except our children.’

Sweetened baby food  

The temptation to abandon homemade purees and wean babies on to solids with shop-bought ones has never been greater, thanks to an explosion of baby foods targeted at busy, but health-conscious, parents.

Yet a recent study by Glasgow University found such products containing vegetables typically used sweeter varieties such as carrot and sweet potato, and nearly a fifth contained added fruit juice to sweeten them further.

Another American study in 2015 found that out of 79 baby and toddler products, almost half contained added sugar.

‘Manufacturers add sugar into baby food to make it palatable for the mother, who wouldn’t give it to her child unless it tasted nice,’ says Karen Coates.

‘If you’re pureeing food at home for a baby, you won’t add sugar, but pre-made jars of baby food will have it added.’

The Ella’s Kitchen range — the go-to brand for busy middle-class mothers — contains a whopping amount of natural sugars. For example, its Apples Plus Bananas, 120g, contains 19.6g of sugars.


In our hectic society, parents simply aren’t brushing their children’s teeth properly, or finding time to take them to the dentist

As any mum of pre-schoolers can attest, trying to prise a toothbrush into a tired toddler’s mouth is tricky business.

Little wonder that, according to a 2015 survey, one in ten parents became so demoralised that they sent children to bed without cleaning their teeth at all.

‘Parents often end up letting their children brush their own teeth, not realising that they don’t have the manual dexterity to reach all surfaces — especially the back molars — until they are eight years old,’ says dentist Dr Rhona Eskander. ‘They must be supervised and brush for two minutes twice a day.’

According to NHS guidelines, children should first see a dentist on the appearance of their first milk tooth (usually between six and nine months).

However, all too many parents put off their child’s first, vital appointment.

‘I’ve known parents to not bring their child into a dentist until they are seven, by which time they need treatment or a tooth extraction,’ says Dr Kaufman. 


Kelly with her son Kayden, who is 19 months
Kelly with her son Kayden, who is 19 months

Kelly with her son Kayden, who is 19 months

Kelly Monie, 24, is studying health and social policy. She lives in Barking, East London, with her son Kayden, 19 months, and says:

‘Two months ago, I found myself in a dentist’s chair with my baby son on my lap crying. The dentist and I had just spent ten minutes trying to coax Kayden into opening his mouth so that she could examine his teeth.

‘But he was in so much pain that he refused to open wide. I felt awful. In the end I had to sit in the dentist’s chair and hold Kayden’s head back.

‘He had started to feel pain in his mouth two weeks earlier. He can’t yet talk properly, so he could only communicate by crying ‘Mummy, Mummy’ and rubbing his mouth.

‘All of his teeth were through, so I knew he wasn’t teething. I could see that one of his front teeth was coming loose. When we walked into the dentist’s office I burst into tears.

‘But instead of the telling-off I was expecting, the dentist said she sees more and more children of his age with the same problem.

‘The tooth was so rotten that Kayden didn’t need anaesthetic. The area was washed with salt and water before it was pulled, and Kayden was given painkillers for a week. His gums were so sore he couldn’t eat for 48 hours.

‘It isn’t that he has a phobia about cleaning his teeth. He enjoys brushing every morning and every night.

‘I’ve always thought Kayden’s diet was healthy. We sit down together for breakfast, when he’ll have cereal. At lunchtime I’ll make pasta or rice then soup in the evenings. If he wants a snack it’ll be an apple, grapes or some strawberries.

‘When he was younger, he drank baby orange juice, but I had cut that out before his teeth started hurting. I’ve since learned it can be very high in natural sugars.

‘But Kayden will do anything for sweets. Since he lost his tooth I have had to fight to stop him eating them. His other weakness is lollipops. They’re at his height in the super-market, so it’s a nightmare trying to keep him away from them.

‘While I’ve been reassured his tooth will come through again, I am determined to keep him away from sugar-laden treats. I would do anything for Kayden, yet I know I’ve let him down.’

Snack attack 

Gone are the days when a child complaining of a tummy rumble was told they’d just have to wait until the next meal time.

Our children are snacking more than ever; one recent survey found more than a third of youngsters under ten eat junk food every day. ‘Unlike previous generations, our children are never hungry,’ says Karen Coates. ‘There is an increased availability of sugary food and drinks marketed at them.’

It is not just the obvious culprits such as fizzy drinks and sweets that are ruining their teeth either, but supposedly healthy lunchbox favourites such as cereal bars, smoothies and fruit.

‘Middle-class parents think they’re doing their children a favour by giving them fruit as a treat, whereas actually fruit can cause just as much damage,’ says Dr Eskander. Indeed, fruit often contains more sugar than some chocolate treats.

For example, an average-sized orange contains 23g of sugar while a small banana contains 17g — considerably more than a two-finger Kit Kat bar, which contains 10.8g.

Dried fruit is even more damaging — there are 53g of sugar per 100g of dried apricots — and has a greater propensity to stick to the teeth. ‘Dried fruit is as bad as sweets,’ adds Dr Kaufman.’


Sammy had to have three teeth removed when he was just four-years-old
Sammy had to have three teeth removed when he was just four-years-old

Sammy had to have three teeth removed when he was just four-years-old

Clare Axworthy, 38, from Plymouth, had to take her son Sammy to have three of his teeth removed at the age of four. She says:

‘When Sammy was two, the dentist told me his teeth were in a bad state, and asked what I was feeding Sammy. When I mentioned dried fruit, he said I may as well be feeding him sugar cubes.

‘I thought about the meals I’d given Sammy as a baby — homemade sweet potato and apricot, or stewed apple and spinach — believing he was getting the most nutritious food I could offer.

‘In fact, a lot of those foods were high in teeth-damaging natural sugars.

‘Over the next two years, I took Sammy low-sugar snacks to eat on the way home from school, such as baked crisps, toasted bagels with butter and breadsticks. But with 30 kids in his class, he often came out of the nursery with a packet of Haribos or a lollipop.

‘It didn’t help that he didn’t like drinking milk, and my mum bought him Fruit Shoot juices. They sounded healthy, but had plenty of natural sugars in them.

‘At four, Sammy complained of severe toothache. At the dentist’s, we learned he had an abscess beneath a decaying lower molar.

‘The scene that ensued was medieval; lots of tears and blood as I held down a screaming, writhing child while they yanked out the tooth. X-rays showed similar problems were developing under two more of his lower back teeth. For those, he was booked into hospital to have them both extracted under general anaesthetic.

‘After the operation, I became even more vigilant. Now Sammy is eight and has a full set of healthy adult teeth. The holes from those three horrible extractions are filled nicely.

‘And, crucially, both of us are now aware of just how important it is to look after his teeth.’

The decay is caused by sugar reacting with bacteria in the mouth to excrete an acid that attacks the tooth enamel. Constant snacking means saliva — which is alkaline and restores the mouth’s pH balance — is unable to prevent decay.

‘It is not just the amount of sugar children are being given, but the frequency with which they are eating it,’ says Dr Eskander. ‘Constant exposure to sugary food and drinks creates an optimum environment for decay, as the saliva can no longer defend against this acid.’

‘Parents often buy fat-free foods such as Petits Filous yoghurt as they think they are healthier. But they are often full of hidden sugars.’ Indeed, 100g serving of the yoghurt contains 12g of sugar.

Baby biscuits are no better. Even a Heinz rusk contains 29 per cent sugar — more than that found in a chocolate digestive. While Organix Apple And Orange Fruit And Cereal Bar has 8.1g sugar per 30g bar.

I pulled 100 teeth from eight children – in a day

Commentary, by Claire Stevens, Consultant Paediatric Dentist 

As a consultant paediatric dentist, I see terrible tooth decay that is almost wholly preventable.

All too often, I find myself removing all 20 baby teeth from toddlers who are aged just two or three.

In one afternoon, recently, I extracted a total of 100 teeth from eight children.

Because they are so young, my patients are unlikely to understand what is going on or why they are in pain.

The worst-affected may have been unable to eat or sleep because of the intense discomfort.

Too small to sit still during a single extraction, let alone an operation to remove multiple teeth, they have to be given a general anaesthetic so that I can work as they sleep.

Some parents endured the same themselves as children. Nevertheless, most are shocked when they see their son or daughter coming round from the procedure. It’s heart-rending for them and I share their sadness.

Regardless of people’s preconceptions, tooth decay affects all communities and is no respecter of class or income.

Yes, children in deprived areas are more likely to suffer from tooth decay, but this does not tell the whole story.

Well-meaning parents who give their children fruit juice or dried fruit snacks throughout the day may find the youngsters develop holes in their teeth because of the high sugar content.

As a mother of young children, I can appreciate the temptation to soothe them with whatever works.

But I can’t emphasise enough how bad it is to give toddlers a bottle of fruit juice or fizzy pop, or even worse, a cola drink, which will destroy the thin and porous enamel of baby teeth.

The worst thing you can do is give small children drinks like that at night because saliva dries up when we sleep. Saliva is the main buffer against decay in daytime, but we can’t rely on it at night.

I tell parents about the ‘golden hour’ before bedtime, when nothing but fluoride toothpaste should touch a child’s teeth.

The fact that large numbers of operations are carried out on children’s teeth ought to be regarded as a national scandal — yet they are on the rise, with hospital extractions for pre-school children up 24 per cent in ten years.

It’s the most common reason for hospital admissions in the under-fives, even more than for broken bones and swollen tonsils.

The causes of tooth decay are many. Obviously sugar is a major culprit, and consumption is soaring. It’s not just in food but in fizzy drinks. And baby teeth really do matter — they act as guides for the adult teeth that come through later.

If some baby teeth are extracted, the others spread out and later they guide the adult teeth into the wrong positions, which causes overcrowding.

It’s wrong to simply blame the parents. In fact, all of us could be doing more to prevent tooth decay — by lobbying for clearer product labelling, to reduce added sugar in processed foods, and to remove sweets from supermarket check-outs.

We all need to start asking very awkward questions — such as why the money raised from the planned sugar levy on soft drinks won’t be spent on dental health education?

Putting aside the toll tooth decay takes on families — through children’s broken nights and missed lessons or time off work for the parents — the cost of childhood dental disease is high.

We spend £35 million alone in the UK on operations to remove young teeth.

Yet it doesn’t have to be this way. In Hull, for example, the Teeth Team initiative — which has just won a British Society of Paediatric Dentistry award — has introduced tooth-brushing into schools. Dentists are giving their services for free, while dental suppliers are donating toothbrushes and toothpaste.

As a result, the amount of general anaesthetic used for hospital extractions in Hull are going down.

And the Designed To Smile initiative has been effective in Wales. Its cost is approximately £17 per child per year, making early prevention far cheaper than later treatment. From a financial point of view, it’s a no-brainer.

But it is not happening in England, partly because health authorities work differently here. Power is devolved to the local level, which means that to set up a scheme, you’d need 140 health bodies to back it, rather than one.

That doesn’t mean we should despair. There are other solutions, such as adding fluoride to water. Where that happens we know that children aged one to four are 45 per cent less likely to go to hospital to have teeth out.

In short, England needs a co-ordinated strategy. The fact that we’re having to extract so many teeth from the under-fives is awful. It should be cause for national shame, and it has to change.

  • Claire Stevens is a consultant paediatric dentist in Manchester.