The Time to Thrive Is Now

“There is a purpose to our lives, even if it is sometimes hidden from us.”

– Arianna Huffington – Thrive –

Finding the purpose in life is a key to understanding ourselves and the world around us. The purpose, as Arianna’s quote indicates, is always there, but too often we cannot tap into it to benefit from the wisdom it provides.

I have personally struggled with the issue of knowing something, but not being able to absorb it at the cellular level so that it becomes a part of my being. However, when I am capable of doing so the benefit is palpable.

It also illuminates the difference between surviving and thriving. It elevates the daily grind to a higher plane, no matter what the challenge. In turn, I go from a willingness to do something to an enthusiasm to doing it, even if the task itself is the same.

Last season Arianna, the Co-founder, President and Editor-in-Chief of The Huffington Post, appeared on Between the Lines to discuss her bestselling book Thrive.

It was a liberating conversation that focused on creating a life of well-being, filled with wisdom and wonder. Click on the video below to see the full episode.

What struck most viewers was that it often is just a struggle to survive, let alone thrive. I obviously was able to relate. When I discussed that with Arianna her advice was as follows:

“Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself.”

One cannot overstate that. We are too quick to call into play the negative aspects of ourselves and too slow to stop before we spiral to places we need not go. Arianna recommends that we: “Evict that obnoxious roommate in our head.”

Enjoy the episode above and get a new roommate as soon as you can.

Plus, airing this week on most of our PBS stations, another viewer favorite featuring the artist Melanie Rothschild and our conversation about her book, The Art of Mistakes. Now, thriving through mistakes, that is transcendent.

Have a great week,
