These Adorable Triplets Are The Masters Of Dress-Up

As for the babies, they “did beautifully” throughout their dress-up days, Ali said. “When you have triplet babies you have to be very organized so that everyone keeps their sanity, so I have very specific times that I was able to dress them up and change them so that they didn’t get to irritated,” the mom explained.

Ali added that her babies are used to being photographed because she likes to take daily pictures of them lined up in “PEA” order to track their growth and take note of little things that happened each day. “The idea was to use Instagram as a memory book for our family and then have the photos printed with Chatbooks as we go along,” she said. “I mostly want to create fun memories for PEA as the grow up and look back at their life.” 

As the photos reach more eyes, the mom simply wants her babies to bring others joy. “I hope people get a bit of a laugh at the very least and that it brightens their day!” Ali told HuffPost. “If they get some inspiration to make their baby a superhero or a ghostbuster, even better.”

Keep scrolling and visit Ali’s Instagram and The House Lars Built to see the triplet costume fun.