This 6-Year-Old’s Take On Body Image Has People Cheering

The 6-year-old has already impressed her mom with her positive attitude. 

“Semra notices beauty in everything and everyone,” Young said, recalling a recent experience when her daughter noticed “a larger women, wearing a long floral dress that appeared to have some stains and tears.” According to the mom, Semra loudly remarked, “Mom, she’s a princess!” 

“I love that my daughter saw the same lady we all did, but chose to see the beauty … the princess,” the mom concluded. 

When Semra’s grandmother shared her writing assignment on Facebook, the family received lots of positive comments. “I hope that sharing her writing will inspire parents and children to see the beauty in the world around them — in everything and in everyone,” Young said. “I hope that it will challenge others to see “the princess” in the lady that walks through the parking lot. I hope that it will help them to appreciate their inner and outer unique beauty.”

“I hope that it will remind them of the value in the view through a child’s eyes … because a child’s view of the world is amazingly beautiful.”