?This Actress Just Documented A VERY Private Moment On Snapchat

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In the video, Bella keeps the camera on her face at first as someone yanks and rips hair out of her hooha, and it’s not pretty. “Oh mother! Oooh K—yup!” she says at first. In another shot, you can see Bella spread-eagle on a table (her vagina is scribbled out in the video) as a woman waxes her. Bella can be heard doing a combo of laughing and crying because, really, what else can you do when someone is ripping out your pubic hair?

This is what makes a happy vagina: 

“It hurts so bad,” Bella says to the camera at one point. “Nooo! This is terrible!” she later says. You can watch the whole thing here:


And on Thursday, she shared another video of her shaving her armpits on Snapchat—which she seemed extremely unhappy about:

Bella has been outspoken about not shaving her body hair and has proudly shown pictures on Snapchat in the past of her unshaven legs. In December when a fan on Twitter said she was “hot” but needed to shave her legs, sharing close-ups of her on the red carpet, Bella clapped back with this:

So why the change? Some people are speculating that she was asked to for an upcoming role. Or perhaps she just decided to mix things up. Whatever the reason, it makes for some very entertaining Snapchats.