This Before and After Pic Is a Total Lie…For a Good Reason

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In one pic, she appears noticeably fitter than in the other, but the thing is…she shot the selfies 30 seconds apart.

A photo posted by Jess: My Fitness Journal (@plankingforpizza) on Feb 9, 2016 at 7:03am PST

Jessica, who created the Insta account to chronicle her body transformation on Kayla Itsines’s Body Bikini Guide program, explains in the caption that poor posture is to blame for her “before” picture. In the “after,” she says she’s simply standing up straight, flexing slightly, and had adjusted her bikini bottoms.

“Not everything we see meets the eye here on social media,” she wrote. “You can show your best angles and hide your flaws, but, at the end of the day, what we choose to showcase is a reflection of ourselves.”

A photo posted by Jess: My Fitness Journal (@plankingforpizza) on Feb 6, 2016 at 1:22pm PST

Jessica went on to say that she isn’t perfect and that she wants to be open about that. “Yes I like to show my best most of the time, but I’ve also realized by not showing my worst that it only harms myself,” she said. “Being vulnerable and imperfect is hard but lying to yourself is worse.”

She added: “I am not a before picture. I am not an after picture. I am not fat nor am I perfect. I’m flawed. I’m scarred. I’m insecure. But I’m learning and I’m hopeful that one day I’ll fully love me.”

#Preach! Also, note to selves: Stand up straight more often.