This Is How You Scramble an Egg to Perfection

We know what you’re thinking: Is it really that hard to scramble an egg? But once you’ve had a taste of the scrambled eggs from Egg Restaurant in Brooklyn, you know: There are scrambled eggs, and then there are life-changing scrambled eggs. The latter is a piece of custardy heaven—and without the addition of any milk or heavy cream. So we got Evan Hanczor, one of the chefs at the restaurant and coauthor of the just-released cookbook Breakfast: Recipes to Wake Up For, to share his secret technique. Watch the video to make the restaurant’s most popular dish at home: 

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Here’s a written recipe with similar step-by-step instructions to what’s seen above, courtesy of Breakfast: Recipes to Wake Up For:

1. Heat an eight-inch nonstick pan over medium heat. When the pan is hot enough to melt butter but not hot enough to brown it, add two teaspoons butter. Add four eggs and a pinch of salt before the butter is fully melted—you want some of the water from the butter to mix in with your egg to help inflate them with steam. Poke the eggs with a spatula to break the yolk before the whites begin to set. If the whites begin to set immediately on hitting the pan, remove the pan from heat. Stir the eggs with a silicone or wooden spatula and mix until the eggs are uniformly blended.

2. Keep an eye on the eggs, stirring them as they begin to set around the edges. Be especially vigilant once the eggs have nearly all set: When you see only traces of liquid egg on the bottom of the pan as you stir, remove the pan from heat, stir the eggs one more time, and turn them out onto a plate to serve immediately.

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3. You don’t need to stir constantly to get good eggs. Stir them enough to keep them from setting too hard in anyone place. If they start to set, break them up. Then you can leave them alone until they seem ready to set again. Turn them out of the pan when they’re just still glossy and wet—they’ll cook another degree or two off heat.