This Is What Happens When You Sneeze While Using an Eyelash Curler

“I really thought I ripped my eyelid in half,” she wrote in a comment yesterday. Yeah, the only way this could’ve been worse is if that actually happened. She also posted photos of her lash tragedy on Imgur (shudder):

lash curlerPhotograph courtesy of Imgur/Amjohnson

lash curlerPhotograph courtesy of Imgur/Amjohnson

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Another Redditor commented, “As a dude, what am I even supposed to be seeing here?” confirming that we can add this to the long list of tragedies men will never understand.

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So where do we go from here? Well, it seems Aubs3912’s only option is to wait patiently for the hairs to grow back. A lash serum could help with that. In the meantime, let’s hope she keeps that ish clean, since she doesn’t have much to protect the delicate skin in that area. RIP, eyelashes.
