This Woman’s Viral Photo Shows What Happens When You Put Too Much Coconut Oil In Your Bath

I am currently stuck in a bath

It seems that after coming home sick, she decided to treat herself to a nice relaxing soak. Candles, bath salts, coconut oil—the works. But she may have gone a little overboard with the oil—she says she added 400 ml of it (which translates to one and two thirds cups!). “Went to get out after pulling the plug and I just slide around like a giant greased up potato in a roasting dish,” she said. “There is no traction. No grip.” 

RELATED: 7 Times You Should NEVER Use Coconut Oil

Don’t worry, she’s not still stuck there: denshan says she was able to get herself out of the bath by refilling it with water and cleaning the bath with “closest soap like product.”

Let this be a lesson to all of us. 

Instead of a coconut oil bath, try this DIY pedicure to relax instead: