Uber and Lyft delay their plans to leave Minneapolis after officials push back driver pay plan

Uber and Lyft Delay Plans to Leave Minneapolis After Driver Pay Dispute

Uber and Lyft Delay Plans to Leave Minneapolis After Driver Pay Dispute

Uber and Lyft have announced that they will be delaying their plans to exit the Minneapolis market following pushback from city officials over proposed changes to driver pay regulations.

The ride-hailing companies had threatened to leave the city if new rules requiring them to pay drivers a minimum wage and provide benefits were implemented. However, after negotiations with city officials, both Uber and Lyft have agreed to postpone their departure.

This decision comes after months of tension between the companies and city regulators, with Uber and Lyft arguing that the proposed pay regulations would make it unsustainable for them to operate in Minneapolis.

City officials have expressed concerns about the impact of Uber and Lyft leaving on residents who rely on the services for transportation, particularly in underserved communities.

While the companies have agreed to delay their exit for now, the issue of driver pay remains unresolved. Both sides will continue to negotiate in the coming weeks to reach a compromise that satisfies all parties involved.

Stay tuned for further updates on the Uber and Lyft situation in Minneapolis as the story develops.