We fly Congress: How airlines covertly lobby politicians

We Fly Congress: How Airlines Covertly Lobby Politicians

We Fly Congress: How Airlines Covertly Lobby Politicians

In the world of politics, the influence of corporations, including airlines, is undeniable. One of the ways airlines exert their power is through covert lobbying efforts aimed at politicians in Congress.

The Power of Airlines in Politics

Airlines have significant financial resources and a vested interest in shaping legislation that affects their industry. By strategically lobbying key decision-makers, airlines can influence policies related to air travel, safety regulations, and environmental issues.

Covert Lobbying Tactics

Airlines often use a variety of tactics to covertly lobby politicians. This can include campaign contributions, hiring former government officials as lobbyists, and funding think tanks and research organizations that support their agenda.

The Impact on Legislation

The influence of airlines on Congress can have far-reaching consequences. From tax breaks and subsidies to deregulation and environmental policies, the decisions made by politicians under the influence of airlines can shape the future of air travel in the United States.


As consumers and citizens, it is important to be aware of the ways in which airlines covertly lobby politicians. By staying informed and holding our elected officials accountable, we can help ensure that legislation is passed in the best interest of the public, rather than corporate interests.

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