What’s in the Way of Your Dream?

Right now you have a dream.

What dream are you talking about? you say. I have lots of dreams,
and there’s a whole lot of stuff in the way!

I know just what you mean. But to make this article more meaningful, I suggest you identify just one. Ask yourself, what is my dream? Then be still and listen for a moment. Trust the first thing you hear because that’s the one that matters to you right now. Could be big or little, anything from “start my own business” to “lose 20 pounds” to “get a promotion”. Choose one.

Now ask yourself,

What’s in the way of this dream?

Your answer is an intangible or tangible obstacle. For instance, telling yourself ‘there is no way I can do it’ is an intangible block. If you don’t have enough money, that’s a tangible barrier. However neither one can stop you, unless you insist. Consider this point while I tell you the story that inspired me to get past my obstacles in a way I haven’t for a long time.

Our 4-year-old granddaughter Ruby has a dream — to be a ballerina. She’s been taking lessons over a year, and her big recital was just 9 days away when on Thanksgiving Day she fell off a trampoline, dislocated her elbow, and broke her upper arm. When the next day she awoke from a three-hour surgery to pin her arm back together, she kept her tears inside, but her thoughts were on the recital.

“I can’t do the recital now because it hurts too much. Besides my teacher won’t want
me to do it. I won’t look right. I was so excited, I learned to do the dance just
the way I was supposed to, but now I can’t.”

Back home she huddled on the sofa, wrapped in a blanket, feeling vulnerable and afraid to move, the way we all do after surgery. But the following day, friends came to visit bringing treats and balloons, and soon she was marching around, balloons held high, with a smile on her face.

Six days later she performed perfectly. Afterwards her teacher told the crowd, “And here’s our rock star Ruby!” and the audience cheered. She waved and blew kisses to everyone.

When our son sent us this photo, it took my breath away. Every time I look at her perfect pose and I did it! smile, I feel I can do anything, too. If nothing can stop a 4-year-old, what’s my problem?

With December 31st rushing our way, it’s natural to start thinking about your dreams for the year ahead. I know of no better way to start than believing your dreams can come true, no matter what’s in the way. If Ruby can do it, so can we!

You’re welcome to write to me about your dream or ask a question. Either scroll down to leave a comment, or write to me directly at [email protected].

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