Why It’s Crucial to Talk About Your Poop

The survey also found that up to 67 percent of people who experienced IBS symptoms waited for more than a year before going to a doctor about it. Yet when they finally did speak up, the majority (65 percent) said they were satisfied with their care.

That’s a really long time to suffer needlessly through poop issues.

Nearly 35 million Americans suffer from IBS. Its symptoms can be so bad that some sufferers said they would be willing to give up caffeine or sex for a month in order to have just a month’s relief from the symptoms.

While it’s important to see a doctor if you suspect you have IBS, it’s also a good idea to get yourself checked out if you have any of its symptoms over a period of time, as it could mark another health problem. Chronic constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain can also be a sign of bowel blockage, cancer, and a host of other gastro issues.

Bottom line: Your pooping habits can be a really important indicator of your overall health. If you suspect something is off, speak up—and be detailed. The AGA recommends giving the “full extent of your symptoms,” as well as how they eff with your life and what you’ve tried to do to fix them.

And remember: There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Your doc has heard it all before!