You Can Do This Flat-Abs Workout From Hilaria Baldwin In 15 Minutes

Hilaria Baldwin is about to get deep. Like, real deep—deep into your core muscles.

“After you have a baby, the focus shouldn’t be on losing weight,” says the founder of NYC’s YogaVida studio and author of The Living Clearly Method* (and yes, Alec Baldwin’s wife). “It should be about restoring strength in your abdominal area, because those muscles are the first to go.”

Hilaria’s trade practice does just that. Once she gave birth to her third child in September, she relied on this yoga flow. The sequence engages your deepest core muscles to reestablish the connection between them and every other muscle group. Sound complex? Think of it like this: Just as a stronger power source will make a string of lights shine brighter, a stronger core will better activate your entire body. What’s more, fresh research found that a yoga class can improve body satisfaction. So when you need a reminder that there’s no race to your goal weight, go ahead and whip out the mat.

Postpartum or not, three or four times a week, perform this sequence, moving from one pose to the next without resting. Repeat twice for three total rounds.


The best thing about being pregnant: “Feeling the baby kick.”

The worst thing: “Restless leg syndrome.”

On cravings: “I wanted spice, couldn’t stand oatmeal.”