You Can Now Send a Fart in a Jar to People You Hate

If you’re scheming up ways to get back at your ex, your evil boss, or any other nemesis, you’re going to want to get your hands on a jart. And yes, that is a jar of fart.

The creators of cooked up the genius idea early this year after singing along to “Jar of Hearts” by Christina Perri, says cofounder Steena Guerin. “We both have a juvenile sense of humor, and so we changed the lyrics to ‘jar of farts’,’” she says.  A few days later, her husband and cofounder, Cedric Guerin, texted Steena and suggested they actually create a website where you can send a jar of stinky goodness. “I thought it was brilliant,” she says.

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To give a smelly surprise, users hop on to the site and order a $10 jart, which includes a jar with a snap-on lid and “one hearty, beefy-delicious fart smell,” according to the website. You can choose from scents like “Vegan Who Tried Meat Again,” “Hungover Frat Boy,” “World of Warcrafter,” “Business-Class Airline Passenger,” and “A Pug,” though the smells aren’t super distinguishable to the untrained nose, says Cedric. The jart also comes with a note inside, which just begs the lucky receiver to open the jar and release the fart.

So is the couple just tooting away to fill all of the orders? Not quite, says Cedric. “Unfortunately, it’s unrealistic for us to fart that much in a month, so we use a secret recipe that’s chemically enhanced,” he says. “Essentially, they are faux farts.”

A woman who has a contraption to collect all-natural cow farts did offer to team up with the jart creators, says Steena—but it didn’t pan out. 

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If you’d like to save your money and send your own personal brand of fart to someone you love to hate, Steena recommends eating a lot of broccoli and beans beforehand. Cedric thinks that the home-brewed fart could last long enough to gift within a couple of days, but he says that his jarts probably last a bit longer.

“We’re totally supportive of DIY jarts,” he says. “We’re just trying to make it more convenient.”

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