You Have to See This Giant Penis Running Around Norway

Unsuspecting civilians in Norway are being bombarded…with confetti by a guy dressed in a penis costume.

No, we’re not joking. The dude in the costume is trying to raise awareness about STDs and to promote condom use. In fact, a European nonprofit set this giant penis loose in the name of creating a PSA about safe sex.  

RELATED: 9 Ways to Wear, Chew, and Cuddle with a Penis

A 2010 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control survey found that Norway had some of the highest STD rates of the 18 countries included, so it makes sense that this campaign would be targeted to that country. The spot ends with “Penises can surprise you. Use a condom!”

While the bystanders in the video don’t look too pleased, we—and the video’s 680,000 viewers—definitely had a good laugh over it.Â