Your Interest in Politics Could Translate to More Orgasms

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They found some pretty unusual stuff. Chief among them: People who cared about politics reported having 13 percent more orgasms than those who aren’t so into stump speeches, debates, and all that political jazz.

Check out 14 mind-blowing facts about orgasms in our animated video:

Naturally, they also broke things down by survey takers’ political parties and favorite candidates, which is where they found all kinds of interesting nuggets. For example, Hillary Clinton supporters are more likely to actively look for a committed relationship, wait for the right person to sleep with, want kids, lie about how many people they’ve slept with, and expect nothing physical on a first date.

Donald Trump supporters, on the other hand, are 12 times more likely to have sex on the first date and twice as likely to film themselves while knocking boots. Very interesting…

(Also worth noting: People on Team Hillary are 129 percent more likely to drink wine, while those on Team Donald are 79 percent more likely to dig beer—just a heads up for stocking your fridge in the future.)

Meanwhile, libertarians blew everyone out of the water when it came to being adventurous in bed. They were 57 percent more likely to explore an open relationship and 110 percent more likely to engage in a threesome.

So, if you’re looking for a wild one-night stand that may or may not be filmed, it’s probably a good idea to seek out a fan of The Donald. Looking to settle down? Opt for a Hillary supporter.

And if you just want to up your orgasm count, consider diving into politics a little more. Hey, it can’t hurt.