10 Allergy-Fighting Natural Methods

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Let?s face it, allergies are more than just inconvenient; they are also annoying. The constant itching, sneezing and avoidance of triggers is enough to drive most of us up the wall. Most allergy sufferers are prescribed medicine to help with the symptoms. But allergy meds usually make us sleepy and lethargic. 

Fortunately, there are natural ways to combat allergies and its symptoms. Here are some ways you can naturally deal with allergies.

1. Sip Green Tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants, particularly quercetin which provides an anti-inflammatory blocking effect against allergens. Researchers in Japan discovered that this plant-based compound helps to block the allergic reactions caused by pollen, dust and animal hair. 

Another study also suggests that drinking green tea regularly can greatly reduce the symptoms associated with perennial allergic rhinitis.

2. Butterbur

Butterbur (Petasites hybridus) is prescribed for migraine headache prevention and for the treatment of seasonal allergies. This herb contains  adenosine monophosphate that has properties that can help reduce allergic reactions by blocking certain chemical signals in the body. It has been found to lessen the symptoms experienced by people with allergic rhinitis and asthma.

3. Neti Pot

Using a eti pot during allergy symptoms can cleanse the nasal passages and alleviates the symptoms of allergies. A saline solution is used with the neti pot to irrigate the passages and remove allergens that have been stuck inside your nose. 

This is especially true during allergy season when there is a lot of pollen in the air. It can also be used to remove dander and other triggers that you have inhaled.  

4. Nebulize

Asthma sufferers usually have an inhaler with them at all times. Most of them also use a portable nebuliser as a backup. 

Having a portable nebuliser to deliver relief anywhere you are is very important especially for those with severe asthma and COPD. This is very important especially during allergy season when pollen and dust is everywhere. Carrying a portable nebuliser around will give you peace of mind and confidence to enjoy day-to-day activities.

5. Clean the House

Never underestimate the power of a clean house. There are many allergy triggers at home such as dust, dander and even your pets. 

Regularly cleaning your house can reduce the amount of triggers and help alleviate symptoms. Make it a habit to vacuum and dust daily. You should also consider grooming pets regularly or brushing their fur everyday to remove loose hair from their bodies. Change your beddings regularly, including your blanket too. 

Pro tip: wear a cloth or disposable mask while cleaning your house or grooming your pet. This will keep your nasal passages clear and prevent triggers from clogging your nasal passages.

6. Eat Spicy Food

It might not be to your taste, but try eating spicy foods during allergy attacks. Spicy food can greatly reduce symptoms such as clogged nose and watery eyes. Foods rich in capsaicin like cayenne peppers and chili can clear up your nasal passages so that you can breathe easier.

If you can?t stand the heat, eating foods rich in garlic can also help. It contains allicin which can reduce inflammation and swelling caused by allergies.

7. Use a Humidifier

A humidifier is another gadget that many allergy sufferers own. Using a humidifier during an attack can help relieve clogged nasal passages and help you breathe easier. 

Humidifiers work by increasing moisture in the air. This moisture helps to lubricate your nasal passages and throat which makes the area most. This helps to make mucus less viscous and alleviate symptoms. 

8. Take a Hot Shower

This works just like the humidifier. The steam from your shower will loosen up your passages and help you breathe easier. This is a good remedy if you don?t own a humidifier. 

Another benefit of taking a shower is that you get clean. This is a chance to get rid of triggers like dust and dander that are clinging to your skin and clothes.

9. Use an Air Purifier

Contrary to popular belief, an air purifier is not just ?decoration? for the house. It actually cleans the air, preventing you from breathing in triggers like dust, pollen and other allergens floating around.

If you have severe allergies, consider using a High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filter or HEPA. This device can effectively eliminate up to 99.97% of all dust, pollen, mold, bacteria, and other tiny particles floating in the air. It’s designed to capture particles as small as 0.3 microns, to ensure a cleaner and healthier air for you to breathe.

10. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy with essential oils is a great way to relax and get relief from congestion. You can use essential oils such as peppermint oil with its refreshing scent and cooling effect. It can open up congested airways and give temporary relief and promote easy breathing.

Eucalyptus oil is another favorite. It smells great and inhaling the oil can help clear your nasal passages and ease congestion. 

These oils can be used with a diffuser or through topical application. 

Bonus: Probiotics

Eating foods rich in probiotics can help you manage allergy symptoms. Maintaining a healthy gut boosts your immune system which helps to improve response including allergic reactions. 

Allergies usually involve an inflammatory response. Probiotics have been shown to possess anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce the inflammatory reaction caused by the allergens.

Bottom Line

Try these remedies and see if they are effective against your allergies. Don?t forget to consult a healthcare professional regarding these remedies and to ask whether or not they interfere with your medication.