11 Fitness Instructors Share the Little Things You Do During Class That Make Their Jobs the Absolute Best

“When I was 22, my dad had a heart attack, which put him in the hospital and led to surgery. After he came home, he worked to change his diet and we began going to the gym together. At 5 a.m., he’d wake me up, drive us to the gym, and when we got there, he’d use the treadmill while I cycled. Then we’d lift together and finish our workout chatting.

“My dad became my accountability partner, and I loved how we could do something together that not only made our bodies stronger, but also made our relationship stronger (even if I was bleary eyed during our 5 a.m. sessions and tried to take naps in the car on the ride to the gym). So for me, my biggest inspiration is the role that fitness can play in someone’s life. When I get text messages from people saying they’re more confident because they feel better, that they’re feeling great because they’re inspired to be healthier, or that they can do things that never imagined, I know that I’m in the right place doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing.” —Jen Crompton, Cycle at Fuel Cycle Fitness, Philadelphia