16 Ways To Relieve Your Anxiety Without Medication

Omega-3 fatty acids can lower your risk for diabetes, improve your heart health, and may even ward off depression. On top of that, one study suggests omega-3s may help improve your anxiety, too.

Ohio State researchers gave one group of medical students 2.5 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids a day—the other group was given a placebo. Throughout the experiment, they tested their blood during lower-stress periods and on days before a big test. After 12 weeks, students loading up on omega-3s experienced a 20 percent decrease in anxiety than those taking the placebo.

Just note that popular omega-3 supplements like fish oil tablets don’t normally deliver all of the benefits they promise. We recommend getting your omega-3s straight from the source: Eating three to six ounces of fatty fish three times a week—like salmon, rainbow trout, and canned sardines—is enough to meet the recommended amount, says Men’s Health nutrition advisor, Alan Aragon, M.S.