17 Adorably Nonsensical Things That Make Zero Sense, And Therefore Are Perfect

These 17 silly random things exist purely to make you smile.

1. This hedgehog who now knows he can fit perfectly inside a Starbucks cup.

Credit: Embedded via Imgur user: Niccalv2015

2. And this Yorkie who now knows her head can fit perfectly inside a slice of bread.

Credit: Embedded via Imgur user: thehaasofpain

3. The way turtles value teamwork.

4. The fact that you are now aware that one can purchase this 93-inch teddy bear at Costco.

Credit: Embedded via Imgur user: thunder_cunt333

5. This little kid noticing the power of his eyebrows for the first time.

Credit: Embedded via Imgur user: washedupwornout

6. This baby turtle who decided to turn a boring day into the most exciting day.

Credit: Embedded via Imgur user: eja61387

7. This dog who found a new (and much better) purpose for a vacuum.

8. These bears waving “Hi” to you.

9. And this pig who takes the best bath selfies.

Credit: Embedded via Imgur user: meghanthegreat

10. This human sushi roll.

Credit: Embedded via Imgur user: warmwhiskey

11. And these dogs who love to celebrate Halloween just as much as humans.

Working on our #howloween costumes this morning