20-pound growth private from 11-year-old who was indicted of being profound …

Doctors found a 20-pound growth in an 11-year-old Florida girl’s stomach after a girl’s center propagandize sensitive her mom a child was being tormented by bullies who claimed she was pregnant.

First Coast News reports a now 12-year-old girl’s mom Janet Roberts was repelled when she was called into a assembly during her daughter’s propagandize and told word around a propagandize was her child was profound since a lady had an extended stomach. 

“I was shock,” Roberts told a station. “To me it was a fun during first.”

Roberts pronounced she began giving her daughter pregnancy tests each dual weeks, though each one was negative.

Meanwhile, her daughter’s stomach kept growing. Three months later, Roberts motionless to take her to a hospital, where doctors detected a tumor.

“It was 19 pounds, good 20 pounds in size,” Roberts told First Coast News, “But because of her size, they had to empty dual liter bottle of it before they could lift it out of her.”

The growth was benign, though Roberts says her daughter is struggling with a issue of her distress and a bullying she suffered.

“She has a tough time traffic with what occur to her. She’s essay records about what happened and how a people treated her,” she said.

Click for some-more from First Coast News. 

Via: Health Medicine Network