25 Halloween Candies That Are Naturally Vegan

For vegans, the scariest thing about Halloween may be the possibility of accidentally consuming a treat made with animal products. Fortunately, there’s a pillow case-full of holiday treats that are naturally vegan, ripe for eating by the fistfuls. 

Not all manufacturers will explicitly note whether or not a product is vegan. You can become your own candy detective by storing a few tricks up your sleeve. As People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals advises, check candy labels for the following three ingredients:

  • Gelatin: produced with animal skin, tendons, cartilage, ligaments, and/or bones
  • Carmine color: red pigment from the crushed female cochineal insect
  • Confectioner’s glaze: made from the resinous excretions of certain insects

Check out the guaranteed-vegan goodies in PETA’s list below and you won’t have to put any labels under a magnifying glass. You’ll be stoked to see that some of the tastiest candy has made their list!