3 Healthy Alternatives to Potato Chips (With Easy Recipes Too)

Before you grab a bag of potato chips to snack on – and then probably end up eating the entire bag – consider these healthier (and tasty!) alternatives that won’t pack on the pounds. 

 Rose Petal Chips

The Doctors

They’re made from beets, a veggie rich in essential vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, iron and vitamins A, B and C. And, they are particularly beneficial for pregnant women. Additionally, this recipe spices things up with a sprinkle of rosemary, which has been shown to reduce inflammation, increase blood flow and stimulate the immune system.

Get the recipe! 

Source: Running to the Kitchen  

Brussels Sprout Chips

The Doctors

Brussels sprouts are not just your old-school stinky veggie. These chips are rich in vitamin C and because they’re high in fiber, they can aid in digestion as well as help to reduce cholesterol. 

Get the recipe here! 

Source: Epicurious  

Parsnip Chips

The Doctors

A relative of carrots, celery and parsley, parsnips are indeed a power veggie. It’s a naturally sweet root vegetable that can boost the immune system and help to promote nerve function, red blood cell growth and dental health.  Plus, parsnips are rich in dietary fiber, potassium and vitamin C, and may help prevent heart disease. 

Get the recipe here!  

Source: Cooking for Health

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