
Greetings! BBFL: BeautifulBreathingFragileLife!

Today is April 4, 2014 aka 4.4.14…time passes quickly…before it was:

So, How is Your Time passing now: evaluation is illumination!

“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” ~

ee cummings

LOL… lol




“How about: the most wasted of all days is one without compassion and understanding???!!!”~jw

Have You observed this: Some of us think we are something when we really are nothing. And… some of us think we are nothing when we really are something? Idiots thinking we are wise and wise thinking we are idiots.

To choose or decide, You have to make a judgment call. Buy or not buy. Believe or not believe.

Think, act or refrain…

(May be confusion and bewilderment are born from presumptuousness??)

It’s beyond me…to judge anyone’s true value/worth/intelligence, etc. For example, any given product, vehicle, jewelry, art work…wouldn’t only the designer, manufacturer, artist be qualified to know with any accuracy the true value?! That’s why You have rare works of art selling at yard sales for .10 cents. The previous owner lacked appreciation or “accurate” knowledge of the “true” value of that particular work of art. (So many lose their sense over making cents! and/or their cents making sense! Sense and cents cost.)

We are all works of art in progress!…unfinished until we die. The following is a profound Biblical thought on value and estimation of ourselves: “For through the undeserved kindness given to me; I tell everyone there among you not to think more of himself than it is necessary to think, but to think so as to have a sound mind, each one as God has given to him a measure […].” Romans 12:3

A realistic assessment of ourselves (not too high and not too low) can help all of us avoid the dangers of immodesty as partners in wellness. Thinking we can handle a difficult situation or chronic illness such as Bipolar Disorder, etc. all on our own. Feelings of superiority could cause us not to seek out much needed help with any given challenge nor offer any help or aid to someone in dire need of assistance.

“When presumptuousness comes, dishonor will follow. But wisdom is with the modest ones.” ~Proverbs 11:2

Modest persons have a reasonable awareness of their limitations and act/speak accordingly.

You got it?;)…You share it? (understand?)

love/compassion/friendship/partnership/modesty/laughter…having it and sharing it…not a wasted day; that’s a NICE day!:)


photo-tube-spraying-colored-paint available at shutterstock



And they are apparently too stupid to realize how easy it is to ensure they are called out for their bad behavior.



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    Last reviewed: 4 Apr 2014