5 Foods You Think Are Way Healthier Than Nutritionists Do

Just when you think you’ve nailed the whole healthy eating thing, you stumble across news that pasta won’t actually make you gain weight. WHA? Why can’t anyone get it straight?

With the Food and Drug Administration’s recent move to redefine what “healthy” really means, it’s become clear that reaching a consensus on what constitutes a “good-for-you” food is easier said than done. And the messages are definitely getting mixed.

In a survey from The New York Times and the polling firm Morning Consult, experts and the regular, grocery-shopping public were asked to declare 52 common foods as “healthy” or “unhealthy.” While both groups called out obvious junk food like burgers and fries, the results were divided on items like fro-yo and orange juice. 

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Here’s where the public opinion differed most dramatically from what the nutritionists agreed on.