5 Simple Ways To Make Your Hands Look Younger


Sun spots can be a true giveaway of your age. They develop over time, after years of exposure to the sun’s UV rays or even tanning beds. You can talk to your dermatologist about topical creams like hydroquinone, which helps bleach the pigment, or even some laser therapies which destroy pigment-producing cells. 

But as with everything, prevention really is the best cure, no matter how old you are. Prevent more age spots from appearing by applying sunscreen daily. Yes, we know, the first thing you want to do after applying sunscreen to the rest of your body is to wash your hands. Instead, resist the urge and slather the reamining cream onto the backs of your hands, which need the protection most. (The palms of your hands have a layer of dead skin cells which help protect against UV rays.) And make sure to reapply after hand-washing. 

5. Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate.Â