5 Tips From a Flight Attendant on How to Stay Fresh-Faced

You know an Emirates cabin crew members when you see one: Their red lip, great skin, and pulled-back hair (worn under a red hat) are so iconic, you can’t miss them. Somehow, cabin crew manage to look perfectly polished and made-up—even when they’re on 10-plus-hour flights. Mollie Wollmuth, a cabin crew member from Walla Walla, Washington, says the longest flight she’s ever worked was 16 hours (it was a trip from Dubai to Houston). Here are her best tips for looking flawless and fresh:

Drink Tons of Water
“On that 16-hour flight, I probably drank five liters of water,” says Wollman. Sometimes, she’ll pour Crystal Light water flavors into her H2O or use lemon slices to help make it tastier.

MORE: 5 Ways to Make Water Taste Better (So You’ll Drink More of It)

Wear Lip Liner
Wollmuth uses a matching liner to keep her red lip looking sharp—not sloppy—for hours on-end. She says she’s careful to reapply both liner and lipstick regularly, particularly after she eats, drinks, or naps (yes, she gets nap breaks if she’s working a longer flight).

Keep Chap Stick Around at All Times
All of the cabin crew members flaunt a red pout, but lipstick can be drying—so Wollmuth makes sure to keep chap stick on-hand to guarantee her mouth stays moisturized.

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Use Coconut Oil
Wollmuth uses this as both a natural makeup remover and a moisturizer. “I put it on my face, rinse with water to get it all off, and then apply a thin layer of coconut oil to moisturize,” she says.

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Apply Masks Regularly
“There are some flight attendants who swear by post-flight masks, and they have great skin—so I started copying them,” says Wollmut. Now, she uses Lush Fresh Face Mask in Cupcake ($6.95, Lush) after every flight she works. “If I’m not flying, I’ll use it two to three times a week,” she says.

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Mollie Wollmuth applied to work with Emirates shortly after she graduated from college because she wanted to travel the world. She has been flying with the airline for a little more than a year.