6 Yummy Takes on Avocado Toast

In addition to being totally delicious, avocados are packed with healthy fats and potassium. So why not add ‘em to your boring old toast instead of butter or jam? It’s super quick (maybe even faster than these five-minute breakfasts that are actually healthy)—and also delicious. We’ve seen tons of fun ways to do this on Instagram lately. Here are some of our favorites:

Pears, spinach, feta, and red pepper flakes give this avocado toast tons of extra flavor—and nutrients.


Another yummy option: sliced avocado on toast with a little bit of mozzarella cheese sprinkled on top.


@lkengel loves to have the green stuff smashed on Rye bread for an afternoon snack.


MORE: 4 Amazing Avocado Smoothies


Tomato lovers will eat up this yummy (and pretty) version.


Add pomegranate seeds, sea salt, lime, and basil for a sweet-tart taste.


Basil hemp pesto + avocado toast = healthy breakfast heaven.


MORE: 5 Healthy (and Pretty!) Ways to Top a Bowl of Hot Cereal