?7 Celebrity Moms Share Their Best Parenting Hacks

No one said being a parent was easy. (The whole “It takes a village,” saying exists for a reason, after all.) It’s a huge, life-long responsibility that at times can feel overwhelming and hectic, no matter who you are or where you come from. Every day, especially when the kids are small, comes with a flurry of activities and emotions: Playtime, meals, baths, school, fights, accidents, laughter, and sleep. There are some lows, sure, but a lot of amazing highs. It’s all part of the parenting package.

And yes, even celebrities go through the same parenting stuff the rest of us do. Because even with the presence of designer baby duds and high-priced au pairs, kids will be kids—and all the Grammys and Oscars and Vogue magazine covers can’t change that. We’re talking smelly diapers, temper tantrums, crayons on the wall, the works. It all happens to everyone.

So like the rest of us, celeb moms and dads have inevitably come up with their own parenting hacks and signature tricks to deal with the happy, hilarious chaos with a smile and a sense of humor. Luckily, they’re willing to share with the world some of their best tips on staying sane (and having some fun!) while raising their children so that we can steal their genius advice. From brilliant MacGuyver-style moments to experimenting with unique ways to squeeze in some “me-time” throughout the day, we pulled together some of our favorite celebrity moms’ advice for maintaining your sanity among the chaos of momming: