7 ‘Happy’ Things That Can Totally Stress Us Out (And How To Deal)

  • Taking A Vacation

    Leaving the office and unplugging for long enough to take a real vacation — something that is, by definition, supposed to be relaxing — can actually end up stressing you out. a href=”http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704324304575306591706447132.html”According to an Expedia.com survey/a, 53 percent of working Americans don’t come back from vacation feeling refreshed, and 30 percent struggle to deal with work stress during their vacation time. Leaving work responsibilties back at the office during vacation time can also become a source of guilt.

    Dr. Byan E. Robinson tells the Washington Post that mindfulness can help combat work-related vacation anxiety:

    “Work on not working,” a href=”http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704324304575306591706447132.html”he told the publication/a. “With five minutes to think, ask yourself, ‘Why do I work this way? Why am I rushing?’ Most of us keep judging ourselves all the time, workaholics especially. It’s never enough. Examine those feelings. They might lead you to enlightenment.”