7 Reasons Why Your Hair Might Be Falling Out

2. You’re Super Stressed

Telogen effluvium is the clinical name for hair loss that occurs after your body has gone through a dramatic experience like major surgery, drastic weight loss, pregnancy, or extreme stress. Hair grows in three cycles: growth, “rest,” and shedding. During telogen effluvium, hair shifts faster than normal from the first two phases into the shedding phase. Luckily, telogen effluvium is temporary—phew—so your hair should return to normal once your body has bounced back from the excess stress. 

3. Your Eating Habits Aren’t That Great

Just like your body needs a balanced diet with proper nutrients to stay healthy, so does your hair. If you’re lacking things like protein, iron, and magnesium, you may notice more clumps. If you’ve ruled out other causes, an R.D. can help you come up with an eating plan. Your hair is made up of protein, so adding more foods that are rich in this nutrient, like Greek yogurt, chicken, and nuts, to your diet can help alleviate diet-related hair loss.

RELATED: 5 Physical Signs Your Eating Habits Need to Change

5. Your Shower Pumps Out Hard Water

Hard H2O (a.k.a. water with a high mineral count) can dry out your hair and lead to breakage. It’s most commonly found in homes with an aging water distribution system. According to EPA Water Consultants, limescale (a white, crusty substance that grows on faucets, tubs, and sinks) is a big indicator that you’ve got hard water.  Using a clarifying shampoo like Fekkai Apple Cider Shampoo ($14, amazon.com) once a week can help counteract the effects. 

6. You Have Thyroid Disease

Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) can both cause hair loss. The good news is that with successful treatment (you may be prescribed a synthetic thyroid hormone), hair generally grows back. In addition to hair loss, other common symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, dry skin, constipation, and muscle weakness, while other common symptoms of hyperthyroidism include sudden weight loss, rapid hearbeat, and changes in your menstrual cycle. You’ll need to visit your doc to be diagnosed. 

RELATED: Could You Have a Thyroid Disorder?

7. You Have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

This endocrine disorder causes a hormone imbalance, which leads to heightened levels of testosterone. This can ultimately result in hair loss. Other signs of PCOS include weight gain, acne, six or less periods a year, and excessive body hair growth.