7 Women Share How They Lost Weight Without Counting a Single Calorie


“Last year, my friends introduced me to Facebook, which is where I found Jason Rosell of Caliente Fitness. After 30 years of my weight going up and down, I was tired of diets where I had to count every calorie or point. I didn’t enjoy eating and got anxiety every time I went to a restaurant. On my new meal plan, I cook a lot more and use less oil and salt. I try to eat only brown rice, and I cut back on sugar. Now I eat a half-cup of rice instead of one-and-a-half cups. And I have a lot more chicken, eggs, and fish, and veggies, which make me feel full. However, I still have a sweetened McDonald’s iced coffee once a week. I also started eating smaller meals with snacks in between to keep me from skipping a meal and getting so hungry that I eat everything in sight. At the same time, I started Jason’s full-body digital download workout DVDs, which use just your body weight. I do them with my friend who lives near me, so we save money by working out together. At first I started with two 12-minute workouts per week. Now I do the advanced 36-minute DVD three times a week. In the first four months, I dropped about 20 pounds, and in five months, I lost another 15. I work at a nail salon, and clients who haven’t come in a few months have noticed. When I show them my before and after photos, they don’t believe it’s me. I’m 52, but I’m stronger and feel better now then I did in my 20s.” —Sandy Lam, lost 35 pounds