7 Women Share The At-Home Workouts That Helped Them Get Fit And Lose Weight

“I had my first baby at 35 and my third at 39, so the struggle to get back in shape was real. Before I was married with kids I enjoyed going to the gym, but afterward I needed to find something that helped me be more consistent. That’s when I found the P90X series, a workout DVD series featuring a bunch of different exercises targeting different muscles. For example, there’s an abs workout, as well as one for legs and back, shoulders and arms, yoga, cardio, and stretching.

“I started with seven or eight rounds of P90X, not to get ‘ripped’ but to stay in shape. I have also tried and loved the expansion packs, P90X2 and P90X3. I love that I can switch loads of laundry during a water break, not worry about what kind of weather is outside, and work out while my kids are home. The biggest changes I have seen are in my arms, back, legs, and stomach.” —Wendy Brown, Boise, ID

(Torch fat, get fit, and look and feel great with Women’s Health’s All in 18 DVD!)