??8 Reasons Why You’re Suddenly So Bloated

Nothing can plague your day more than the question: “Why am I so bloated?” That sudden heavy feeling in your stomach can leave you feeling sluggish for hours and make your clothes (see: skinny jeans) super uncomfy. The most annoying part though is when it strikes without warning and you have to ask yourself, “What just happened?”

So why are you so bloated? It’s likely something you ate or something you did while eating that’s causing extra gas in your gut, says Keri Gans, R.D., author of The Small Change Diet.

Though the exact causes of your insta-bloat can be harder to pinpoint since food sensitivities vary from person to person.“Not everybody has the same effects from the same foods,” she says. For example, some of us are more sensitive to certain foods, like dairy or fiber, than others. Your body might also adjust so that foods that once made you battle with bloat could become easier to digest overtime—and vice versa.

That said, there are some common culprits behind those out-of-the-blue bouts of bloat that leave you feeling puffier than usual. And, contrary to what you might think, it’s not all unhealthy foods that lead to bloat. Nutrients like fiber, which is found in tons of healthy foods, can leave you wondering why the heck you feel more fluffy than fit after a healthy meal. (Hit the reset button—and burn fat like crazy with Women’s Health’s The Body Clock Diet!)

So the next time you find yourself all puffed up, check this list to see if you’re guilty of any of the following bloat-inducing behaviors.

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