8 Things Women with ‘Invisible’ Diseases Want You to Know

“Like 10 percent of American women, I suffer from endometriosis. And like many women who have chronic ‘invisible’ conditions, I wasn’t diagnosed for years. During that time, I was told by doctors, friends, and even family that ‘it’s all in your head,’ ‘it’s normal,’ and, my favorite, ‘you’re overreacting.’ After years of hearing these things from numerous doctors, you start to convince yourself that your pain and suffering just might be your normal. So you stay afloat and functioning on the outside and suffer the inner turmoil and pain alone. I’d like those who don’t live with illness to try to imagine living with mysterious pain, tenderness, inflammation, etc., for years on end and no one who understands why.”—Emily Maloney, 24, Los Angeles

*Names have been changed.