9 Much-Needed Reminders That Humans Are Inherently Good

4. Our first instinct is to act selfless. 

While we can be self-involved from time to time, human beings aren’t intuitively selfish. In fact, our automatic impulses are quite the opposite. Comprehensive research on human behavior suggests that we’re instinctively cooperative and willing to act out the good of our social groups, Scientific American reported. In other words, we initially feel compelled in a situation to put others before ourselves.

5. A human’s ability to fall in love is biological.

Research shows there are reactions in the brain when we fall in love ? either romantically or as a caregiver ? making it likely that we’re naturally wired to do so. Not only that, body releases feel-good chemicals that trigger physical reactions when we’re with someone we adore, a response that’s entirely automatic and out of our control. How cute is that?

6. Holding hands with someone alleviates fear.

Yet again human connection is a powerful thing. Just intertwining fingers can be an antidote to negative emotions. Studies suggest that holding hands with another person can immediately reduce stress and fear.