9 Questions That Reveal Whether a Diet Will Work for You

Your diet is on point: The hard work is done! You’ve found an eating strategy that’s right for you. The only thing that’s left is to stick with it, says Holthaus. With the right motivation and support, like enlisting a friend or partner as an accountability buddy or joining healthy weight-loss groups on social media, you’ll crush your goals. And if in a few weeks, months, or even years from now, you find that a part of your diet that used to be great isn’t doing it for you anymore, don’t be afraid to change things up, she says.

Your diet is a work in progress: You have two options: You can quit this diet and look for a new approach, or you can tweak your current plan so it’s a better fit for you, says Holthaus. The right course of action depends on how far your diet is from being healthy, effective, and sustainable. But whatever you choose, don’t be afraid to take charge of your nutrition. It doesn’t matter if your eating plan doesn’t follow any specific diet, as long as it works for you.