A Fun Friday?

Fun, Fun, FUN…girls just wanna have it. Okay! boys, too. Yeah, my kinda fun and your kinda fun…may need some defining, eh??

Usually fun is something very challenging and being pushed to my ultimate………………………………………………………………..

l-I-m-I-t-…say, for example, to finish a project and/or having a last second deadline…what a rush…epinephrine to be exact! Or fun IS hours of deep study, meditation–when I’m wrapping my brain around some topic of intrigue/puzzle/enigma.

May be, I’m reframing stress as FUN: May be ? that’s a good thing, huh?

The American Psychological Association has noted: “Stress is to the human condition what tension is to the violin string: too little and the music is dull and raspy; too much and the music is shrill or the string snaps. Stress can be the kiss of death or the spice of life. The issue, really, is how to manage it.”

Then, there also is dancing or goofing around/laughing with my kids is always FUN. Anyway…no need to discuss different forms of fun in depth. You know your fun! I know mine.

Oh, this weirdo blogger is not just totally work…okay, may be I am: most days, but I usually LOVE work. It’s been another exhausting/busy week for me. How about You?! GLAD the week-end IS here…YIPPEEE!! Hubby is out on a Daddy Adventure with the Kids…so, I have a:

moment to think uninterrupted thoughts–WOO HOO!! in between phone calls that is.;) I have a moment with my music of my choice.

BTW: off subject a tad…here in FL we have been so enjoying all the variety of birds…tons of birds! that have escaped the bitterly cold and have flown further south to our backyard. The bird song has been great!! Sorry to Everybody who has been slammed by Winter up North. I’m sorta spoiled now not having to shovel, etc. I miss playing in snow. Living in snow…different story.

UGH!…life of the “raw and the cooked” or the fried and the frozen…extreme living: bitterly cold or excruciatingly hot and learning to adapt and be flexible; takes patience and cultivating many positive traits (i.e. forgiveness/endurance).

Especially as Partners living with a loved one who suffers the extreme of mood disorders. Never a boring moment, eh?! For anyone, eh?!

It can drive you cr*z*: coping and surviving with any extreme weather, mood or other…

including brain games in whatever form they play: hmmm, What’s driving You nuts?!

(Oh NO!..my blog -lol;) hey, stop reading then, you CAN exercise self-control!:)

Read an Awesome article on Stress: Keys to Managing It…3 brief-wise-practical-points therein: I’m trying to apply.

A relentless routine of commuting, working, studying, or caring for children or elderly parents can keep stress levels high. Moreover, stopping some of these activities may be out of the question. What, then, can you do to cope?

1. Try to give yourself some downtime, and get adequate rest. The Bible says: “Better is a handful of rest than two handfuls of hard work and chasing after the wind.” –Ecclesiastes 4:6

2. Set sound priorities, and adopt a modest lifestyle. Consider simplifying your life, perhaps by reducing expenses or time spent at work.

3. Try to gain insight into his or her feelings and viewpoint. Such insight “slows down [our] anger” because it puts us in the other person’s shoes. It can also help us to see ourselves through the other person’s eyes.

YAY! I wanted to write a quick, fluffy and lighter-type post aka something Fun…(hope I succeeded). THANKS readers for seeing this post through my eyes.

PEACE TO YOU as well as less stress and more compassion aka may be ? more Fun = Happy Friday Week-end!


photo-friday-highlight-text-cloud-with-others-day available at Shutterstock



And they are apparently too stupid to realize how easy it is to ensure they are called out for their bad behavior.



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    Last reviewed: 28 Feb 2014