Alternative ‘tapping’ therapy favoured by Lily Allen could be used by the NHS to treat anxiety and depression

  • The treatment involves tapping acupressure points on the head and hands
  • The researchers believe it should now be used by the NHS
  • Tapping could also be used to boost performance in pressurised situations
  • Once the technique has been learnt, patients can treat themselves at home, whenever they need it

Emma Innes

06:55 EST, 16 January 2014


06:57 EST, 16 January 2014

A new self-help technique, called tapping, could be used to treat depression and anxiety. Lily Allen says she also uses it to help control her eating habits

Lily Allen is reported to use it to help control her eating habits and Dutch pole vaulter Rens Blom credited his Gold medal at the 2005 World Championship to it.

Now, experts are calling on the NHS to start using a new self-help technique, called tapping, after its effectiveness in treating a number of conditions was proved.

The technique, which involves tapping acupressure points on the head and hands, is showing promise as an effective form of therapy for anxiety, depression and anger.

It is also known as the emotional freedom technique (EFT).

Researchers at Staffordshire University are leading research into the effectiveness of EFT in the UK.

Professor Tony Stewart, who led a trial of the treatment in the Birmingham area, said: ‘EFT is a new and emerging therapy that can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions.

‘Patients gently tap with their fingertips on acupressure points, mainly on the head and hands, and relate this to the voicing of specific statements.

‘A growing number of studies suggest EFT is an effective and safe treatment, and with the predicted sharp increase in the demand for mental health services – and a corresponding decrease in NHS resources – we feel that the use of EFT should now be extended.’

The researchers studied 39 patients during the trial and say that most improved significantly as a result of the treatment.

Dr Ian Walton, GP and mental health lead for Sandwell and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group, said: ‘The effective use of EFT demonstrated in this study has not only influenced counsellors and therapists in Sandwell to be trained to use this method of treatment, but also local mental health charities are seeing the value in being trained to use EFT in the work that they do.’

Mark Willets, 39, was first referred to Professor Stewart with depression in 2012 after it started to impact on his family life.

He said: ‘I would describe the impact of these sessions like emotional first aid, it would allow me to refocus when I found myself hitting a bad patch and it brought me back into rational thinking.

‘I would say it created a cognitive shift and allowed me to gain a better perspective on the things I had achieved and really helped me to see more clearly and become calm and rational.’

Dutch pole vaulter Rens Blom believes tapping was responsible for his surprise victory in the 2005 World Athletics Championships


Tapping or the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a new alternative therapy.

It is a form of acupressure, based on the same energy points used in traditional acupuncture to treat physical and emotional ailments.

Instead of using needles, tapping with the fingertips is used to input kinetic energy onto specific meridians on the head and chest while a person thinks about their specific problem and voices positive affirmations.

This combination of tapping and voicing is supposed to clear the ‘emotional block’ from a person’s ‘bioenergy system’ and restores balance in the body.

The researchers say that one of the key benefits of EFT is that, once learnt, it can be easily self-administered meaning patients can use it on themselves for any issue, whenever it is required.

A further study using Staffordshire University students has provided evidence that EFT could also boost performance in pressurised conditions.

Some 100 students were approached randomly to either receive an inspirational lecture or an EFT session ahead of giving a marked presentation.

The 50 students who received the EFT remained calmer and achieved higher results.

On average, it has been determined that just over five sessions are required to treat clients. This compares well with other therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), where between six and 20 sessions may be required, depending on the condition and severity.

The technique, which the NHS could soon start using to treat mental health problems, involves tapping acupressure points on the head and hands

Dr Liz Boath, Associate Professor in the School of Social Work, Allied and Public Health at Staffordshire University, said: ‘Both clinical and statistical significance have been demonstrated through our studies, the findings of which have been presented at three NHS conferences.

‘Our view is that all new therapies and treatments start with little or no evidence, and further good quality studies into EFT would confirm its effectiveness, safety and potential within the NHS.

‘It may be a bridge too far for now, but we also feel that EFT could be delivered within communities to provide fast access to mental health services.’

The research was published in the Journal of Psychological Therapies in Primary Care.

Comments (11)

what you think

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London, United Kingdom,

23 minutes ago

I’ve been using EFT for quite a few years now, it’s been very rewarding working with improving relationships and the most fun is to help people go from camera shy (actually for some it’s camera terror!) to having fun producing videos to share your message with the world – becoming The Supa Stars of their own videos! – great for promoting your message and work on the web.


Kings Langley,

50 minutes ago

I’ve been training people in and using EFT for over 10 years and it is amazing.



1 hour ago

EFT definitely works. I’ve used it to help with a phobia and anyone who wants to give it a go, just Google it.


Burnham, United Kingdom,

1 hour ago

I have a dental phobia and could not go through with my appointment – despite being given gas to relax me (the visit was to fit a crown – no injections, no drilling!) I had one session of EFT and have been back to the dentist twice since and I have been ok – have had the treatment and haven’t felt half the stress and unhappiness that I have had in the past – the dentist is totally amazed at the difference in me. I would HIGHLY recommend giving it a go! you have nothing whatsoever to loose!


Southend, United Kingdom,

1 hour ago

I sat beside a fellow on a flight from Italy and, as the plane started to taxi, he went into a panic and declared he was terrified of flying – it was a real high level panic attack…..We tried to help for a few minutes to no avail. Then we asked the flight attendant if she could ask if there was a medical person on board who might help. Luckily a chap who was a health care professional came over and used this tapping therapy on his hand (mostly)….it worked to s certain extent. Other things were involved ( oxygen mask, etc) and the lady flight attendant (easyJet) kept talking to him (he asked her out) and I held his hand….I was very impressed at the speed the tapping “brought him down”.


Meath, Ireland,

1 hour ago

Counsellor Diana Troy in Star Trek used to use this technique for those same reasons. And that was the late 80?s/ early 90s. It really was way ahead of its time.

chemical angel,


1 hour ago

I would love to try it.

Dave the rave,


1 hour ago

Don’t wait for the”experts” to carry out prolonged tests to see of EFT works and then give you permission to use it , I’ve been practicing it for going on five years for various issues and it works for me, my advice for what it’s worth is give it a go there are some very good web sites that teach you the technique.

ian poolton,


1 hour ago

Autism/Asthma/Aspergillosis of the sinuses(breathing out one nostril/food getting stuck in throat)


Sydney Australia,

2 hours ago

Call me crazy but it cured me of years of irritable bowel syndrome


London, United Kingdom,

18 minutes ago

Me too! I love it when I’m called crazy!!

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