Are YOU fat because your husband is a control freak? This woman put on four stone while married to a man who forced her to over-eat. And she is just one of thousands…

  • Maria-Louise Warne felt she had to eat large meals made by her ex-husband
  • She quickly went from a size 12 to a size 18 thanks to his indulgent cooking
  • The 57-year-old is one of many who have gained weight because of partners 

Samantha Brick For The Mail On Sunday



Maria-Louise Warne felt compelled to indulge in heavy meals and fine wine because of her former husbamd

It was a Saturday, just before lunchtime. 

Maria-Louise Warne sat alone, silently sobbing in her car which was parked in a lay-by somewhere between her home in Devon and the local shops she’d pretended to her husband she was going to visit. 

The minutes ticked by and occasionally she wiped away a tear. This was, she says, her lowest ebb.

Despite a successful career and a lifestyle that many would envy, her self-confidence was at rock bottom.

Once proud of her trim size 12 figure, each time she looked down at her matronly bosom and prematurely middle-aged tummy, she felt trapped in a body that just didn’t feel her own.

And the cause of her ballooning weight was waiting for her on her return.

‘I knew the moment I walked through the front door that my husband would insist I sat down with a large glass of wine, a home-cooked lunch or, even worse in my eyes, he’d want us to go out to a restaurant where we would consume a three-course meal,’ she says.

To most, this might sound heavenly. Yet for Maria-Louise, her partner’s bon vivant tendencies had become a relentless horror. 

‘To the outsider, it would seem he was the ideal man – always ready with a MasterChef-type quality meal when I arrived home,’ she says.

‘I felt dreadful not to appreciate it, but I just didn’t want to eat that much. And it wasn’t just a weekend treat or special occasion – it was every day. 

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It would be lovely things like steak with bearnaise sauce and gratin potatoes, or a creamy chicken stew – and that would be supper.

‘Meals would always have starters and puddings. And he loved baking cakes – gooey sticky brownies – and bought irresistible fine wines.

‘Often, I’d just feel like a few sticks of carrot and some houmous, but how could I say no? 

If I ever did, he seemed wounded to the point where he was angry, accusing me of snacking and saying he’d gone to the effort just for me.’

The 57-year-old ballooned from a trim size 12 (pictured) to a size 18 who weighed more than 14 stone 

Maria-Louise, a 5ft 6in estate agent, had been married to her husband, a former shopkeeper, for ten years. They had been together for the 13 years before that.

During all their time together Maria-Louise steadily piled on the pounds until she’d put on four stone. 

She says: ‘When we met, I was 25, ten stone and a size 12. By my late-40s, I was overweight and desperately unhappy with my figure.

‘I went to see my GP and burst into tears when I stood on the scales and realised I weighed nearly 14 stone and was a size 18.’

The couple are now divorced and Maria-Louise has shed all the weight she gained. ‘It happened fairly naturally,’ she explains.

‘I just stopped eating as much and starting running.’ In hindsight, she admits some responsibility for her weight gain, but also blames her ex-husband.

‘When he retired in his mid-50s, he suddenly had little to do.

‘He’s 20 years older than I am and I continued to work. So he cooked and decided what and when we ate. God forbid I ever suggested I would go on a diet – he’d tell me I was lovely the way I was and then make me a cheesy omelette or pancakes for breakfast.

‘It was like I was a prize bull being fattened up for market. It’s easy to say, “Well, you didn’t have to eat it, he didn’t shove the food down your throat” but it was as good as. 

Thanks to a healthy exercise and diet regime Maria-Louise is now back to a slimmer figure 

‘I just couldn’t refuse him. It was guilt coupled with the fact he would descend into a huge sulk if I refused.’

Maria-Louise’s is far from being a unique case – consultant clinical psychologist Helen McCarthy believes this destructive relationship dynamic may well ring true to many women who find themselves overweight and unable to successfully diet.

She says Maria-Louise is one of thousands of women who are or have been trapped in relationships with men who all but force them to overeat, and sabotage any attempts at weight loss.

‘When a patient claims they feel compelled to eat, even when they are not hungry, this might indicate they suffer from a condition known as compulsive overeating,’ McCarthy says.

‘The causes are myriad. A common one is people who eat for comfort when they are sad.

‘But another that we often see is that someone eats because an important person in their life – a partner, parent or close friend – is giving them too much food and they feel they can’t say no.

‘It’s known that some men who prefer larger ladies might encourage women to eat for sexual reasons. 

‘And couples who compulsively overeat together can do so in a mutual way. 

‘I often treat couples who simply eat a lot and badly. But Maria-Louise’s is a very different situation. This is feeding as a form of control, consciously or not.’

McCarthy points to a number of her younger patients who struggle with their weight because their mothers cook indulgent food for them and insist they eat it.

‘The mother sets store by being the matriarch, the provider of food. If the daughter refuses a meal, the mother expresses a sense of rejection. So the daughter feels she can’t say no to food.

‘The motivation of a “feeder” might be simply to assert power. 

‘But in more extreme cases, it could be symptomatic of borderline personality disorder – a complex mental illness that may partly be expressed by a person taking some kind of satisfaction in the distress of those close to them.’

Indeed, when both Maria-Louise and her husband were in full-time employment, she maintained a trim figure thanks to the help of a personal trainer.

‘My ex-husband loved me to look good and be attractive,’ she says.

Then things began to change. His sports shop business went bust, he retired, and Maria-Louise became the breadwinner.

‘I came to dread each meal time at home because I knew if I didn’t finish my plate I’d be verbally abused,’ she recalls. 

‘He’d watch me eat and examine what I’d left.

‘Then the criticism would start. He’d say things like, “I’ve just prepared this for you, I hope you’re going to eat it”, or “We’ve paid for this, you can’t waste it.”

‘Most meal times at home saw me sitting in front of a mountain of food. I’d panic, thinking, “I’ll vomit if I eat all this.”

‘I’d try to come up with ways to get away from the table. Sometimes I’d hide some of the food in my napkin and slip it to the dog.’

Consultant psychiatrist Dr Alex Yellowlees, an eating disorders specialist and medical director of the Priory Hospital in Glasgow, suggests: ‘This is not an eating disorder per se – more a relationship dysfunction within which weight, food and eating are central issues.

‘The motivation for this can vary from insecurity, fear of losing the partner, jealousy, or as an expression of the personality pairing of the couple.’

Because Maria-Louise was sometimes away from the family home socialising at exhibitions and in hotels, there was, she says, a constant worry on her husband’s part that she would fall in love and leave him. 

‘I was never unfaithful to him, but that’s what he feared,’ she adds.

At other times, Maria-Louise’s husband took to mocking her ‘unsightly’ physique. ‘He’d slap my thigh and say, “Look at your fat legs.”

‘When I wasn’t with him I’d buy diet milkshakes which I’d have as a meal replacement for breakfast and for lunch because I couldn’t face any more food. My clothes wouldn’t fit, I was depressed, I felt unattractive and ugly.’


This certainly doesn’t sound like the typical life of someone experiencing domestic abuse but I’d draw parallels.

No violence was involved – in fact, Maria-Louise’s husband cherished her to an extent – but the over-feeding and control amount to emotional cruelty.

Sadly, I am accustomed to seeing far more typical cases which do involve violence, but this form appears to have been equally damaging and painful. 

And perhaps many women in this situation won’t realise what is happening, or will be too ashamed to admit it.

The eating was really a minor part of the equation: Maria-Louise’s husband used food as a tool by which to rule her, control her body image and belittle her.

It was clearly a very powerful mechanism as he had huge influence on the way she looked, and therefore how she behaved outside the home, particularly at work. He wasn’t simply sabotaging her diet, he was subjugating her entire life.

Many people struggle to escape this type of relationship, so it is encouraging to know that Maria-Louise did.

McCarthy believes that the reason many women can’t lose weight isn’t because they lack the willpower – but because their husband or partner doesn’t want them to.

She says: ‘Pressure from other people to eat is a recognised source of sabotage of weight-loss attempts, and is a major hurdle to achieving permanent weight loss for many people.’

Psychotherapist Marisa Peer also believes that this is much more common than many might realise. She says: ‘If you have the kind of husband who regularly comes home with cakes, biscuits and sweets, or says, “Let’s go out for fish and chips”, or “Let’s have a curry” and you’re trying to lose weight, then he is, subtly, going out of his way to sabotage your efforts.

‘To have any hope of losing weight and keeping it off, then your partner needs to be on board, even if he or she doesn’t want to do it with you.’

In 1995, when Maria-Louise was 38 and her husband was 60, he had a triple heart bypass.

They moved to the countryside, and the feeding intensified.

In order to keep her at home and at the dining table, her husband issued regular invitations to friends for dinner.

‘He thought if they were there I’d have to eat,’ Maria-Louise claims.

Then, in 2005, he suffered a stroke and spent two months in hospital. During this time Maria-Louise cut her food intake and started to run – but her new routine stopped when her husband came home to rehabilitate. 

She recalls: ‘The feeding started up again. It was easier to give in than to say no – I couldn’t stand all the fighting.’

In 2007, months after the tearful visit to her doctor, Maria-Louise reignited her exercise routine and began to lose weight. It took her a year to lose it, and during that time her marriage collapsed.

Peer is not surprised, saying: ‘The most important thing you need in a relationship is balance.

‘When one person feels incredibly insecure and the other doesn’t, that’s very hard to recover from.’

Today, Maria-Louise is 57, weighs 9 stone and runs every day – and hopes her story will serve as a wake-up call to the legions of women out there in similar situations.

‘I never want to let myself get like that again. How could I have been so stupid?’

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