Astrocytoma-associated antigens – IL13R?2, Fra-1, and EphA2 as potential markers to monitor the status of tumour

The molecular heterogeneity of high-grade astrocytomas underlies the difficulties in the development of representative and valuable in vitro experimental models for their studies.The purpose of our study was to estimate the value of astrocytoma-associated antigens (AAAs) – IL13R?2, Fra-1, EphA2 – and the most common molecular aberrations typical for astrocytomas as potential markers to screen the status of tumour-derived cell cultures in vitro.

The tumour-derived cell cultures were established from high-grade astrocytomas. The expression analyses of the tested genes were performed via semi-quantitative real-time PCR and subsequently verified by immunohistochemical and immunocytochemical technique.

The analyses of molecular aberrations at DNA level included gene dosage status evaluation based on real-time PCR, sequencing analysis, and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) assay.

The expression analyses based on semi-quantitative real-time PCR showed that in the final stage of culture the expression level of all tested AAAs was significantly higher or at least comparable to that of primary tumours; however, two expression patterns were observed during cell culture establishment. Analysis at the single cell level via immunocytochemistry also demonstrated an increase of the level of tested proteins and/or selection of tumour cell populations strongly positive for AAAs vs.

other cell types including admixed non-tumoural cells. Confrontation of AAA expression data with the results of molecular analyses at DNA level seems to support the latter, revealing that the expression pattern of astrocytoma-associated antigens in tumour-derived cells in subsequent stages of culture is convergent with changes in the molecular profile of examined cell populations.

The consistency of the obtained results seems to support the use of the selected AAAs, in particular IL13R?2 and Fra-1, as tools facilitating the establishment of tumour-derived cultures.

However, the intratumoural heterogeneity of high-grade astrocytomas may require further detailed characterisation of the molecular profile of a tumour in order to evaluate the value of the experimental model in relation to the individual context of particular studies.

Author: Monika Witusik-PerkowskaMagdalena ZakrzewskaMalgorzata SzybkaWielislaw PapierzDariusz J JaskolskiPawel P LiberskiBeata Sikorska
Credits/Source: Cancer Cell International 2014, 14:82

Published on: 2014-08-22


News Provider: 7thSpace Interactive / EUPB Press Office

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