?Bethenny Frankel Reveals The Serious Toll Her Divorce Took On Her Health

“My hair was thinning, I had black circles under my eyes, I wasn’t sleeping well, I was depressed, and lonely, and hopeless, and it felt endless and so many things happened,” The Real Housewives of New York star says. (Get zen as hell with the Slim, Sexy, Strong Workout DVD!)

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The eventual cure, besides finally settling her divorce in 2016, was finding balance in her life, she told Dr. Oz. “We all strive for balance, I think, whether it’s sleep or motherhood or work or trying to be a good wife,” she says. “During my divorce, my definition of balance was when I’m working, I’m working and when I’m not working, I’m with my daughter, and I had two very separate lives. That was really all I had room for,” she said. “Now I’m trying to have a personal life and be a good mother and balance my work and sleep. I finally feel some balance and it’s good. I didn’t realize how not balanced I was until I now feel balanced.”

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Here’s everything you didn’t know about the female body.

She also opened up about the importance of talking about women’s health issues on Real Housewives and in the media. “Women have to speak more openly about these issues,” she said of periods, endometriosis, and miscarriages, all of which she says she’s experienced firsthand. “A lot of people go through this and they don’t talk about it. It seems awkward. It involves bleeding and girl stuff and icky…you don’t know if you’re normal, if other people are experiencing that,” Bethenny says, candidly revealing that her period used to be like “a crime scene.” 

Can we get a praise hands emoji for Bethenny’s refreshing dose of reality when it comes to opening up about our health? Catch her full interview on The Dr. Oz Show today.