Body Image Boosters From The Blogosphere 6.30.13

pink hydrangea, etsy, angie, laugh to laugh

{via etsy by Angie of laughlovephoto}

A positive body image goes beyond liking your looks. It encompasses taking good care of yourself and leading a fulfilling life. In this weekly series, I share some of my favorite posts from some of my favorite bloggers on this topic. Sometimes I also share relevant pieces that I’ve written on the Web. Hope you find these links inspiring!

Celebrating is a powerful path to accepting and loving ourselves. Mara shares her daily celebrations in this piece (and in our interview).

Rachel shares the many beautiful ways she’s explored self-care.

Yoga can be intimidating, especially when you think you have to look a certain way or do all the poses a certain way in order to practice it. That’s why I love Anna’s Curvy Yoga. This month she introduces us to three Curvy Yoga teachers.

Golda’s 5 instant body image boosters.

10 tips from Rosie for getting reacquainted with your own beauty and brilliance.

Jen shares what her “declaration of self-care” looks like. What might your declaration look like?

My interview with playwright and creativity coach Zohar Tirosh-Polk about her creative process. (Expressing your creativity is actually a great way to boost your body image.)

Michelle also talks about the importance of expressing herself and her creativity as part of her self-care.

But during this particular week, Self-Care showed up through music and writing and performance. It just felt so damn important in a way that hadn’t in a long, long time.

All of a sudden, it wasn’t about the small things that I could do in 15 minutes, or even just The Things That Make Me Feel Good.

It was about expression.

It was about passion.

It was about longing.

It was about identity.


I dusted off the cabaret show I wrote a few months ago spent a few hours playing with my uke Lucille. I sent emails looking for a space to perform in this August/September, and found my way to the NY Funny Songs Fest. I signed up for 2 workshops the very next day and performed in front of a small group of my classmates.

While I know I sometimes feel stretched too thin, Music and Performing is all of a sudden a big priority – mentally, physically, emotionally.

Speaking of creativity, here are 8 creative ways to practice self-care.

The best moment of Shauna’s day. What’s the best moment of your day? I absolutely love Shauna’s writing. Here’s a particularly stunning part:

We’ve been told that productivity is all, that rushing is an imperative, that going and doing and pushing define us. But those things aren’t true. God made a world of extraordinary beauty, and sometimes the most productive, most important thing we can do is slow ourselves down enough to see it, hear it, smell it, taste it, enter into it. When I stand before the cutting board, knife in hand, it’s just another way, really, of praying.

What instantly boosts your body image? What reads have been inspiring you lately?



And they are apparently too stupid to realize how easy it is to ensure they are called out for their bad behavior.



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    Last reviewed: 30 Jun 2013