Bosch Healthcare selects Brain Resource’s MyBrainSolutions for use in telehealth solution

Brain Resource’s brain health resilience program selected by Bosch for use in its next generation telehealth solution

Brain Resource (BRRZY: OTC US, BRC: ASX) has announced today that Robert Bosch Healthcare Systems, Inc. (headquarters in Palo Alto, California, USA), the market leader in evidence-based telehealth solutions, has added MyBrainSolutions to their newly launched Health Buddy Web solution for the monitoring, education, and management of people living with chronic conditions. The brain health and resilience program will help improve outcomes for patients with chronic conditions like congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and diabetes as well as combat the depression and negative impact people often experience as a result of their illnesses and limited mobility. 

As part of this new relationship with Bosch Healthcare, Brain Resource will supply its training games, exercises and interactive videos to help optimize positive moods, enhance memory, improve concentration, manage stress and improve overall health and wellbeing of people using Health Buddy Web.

“The sale of MyBrainSolutions to Bosch Healthcare is further evidence that brain health is becoming recognized as an important component of a holistic approach to the care of people living with chronic conditions. This is central to an individual’s ability to live better by changing unhealthy habits and optimizing one’s health status,” said Evian Gordon, CEO of Brain Resource, Ltd.