
Five ways to avoid the pitfalls of binary decisions

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Man stands atop a Venn diagram of colorful circles

Photograph Deciding is easy: true or false? The first challenge in answering this question is that it’s impossible to know without more information. Which decisions, with what stakes, and on what timeline—these are just a few of the contextual factors most of us would want to consider before answering. The second challenge is that it’s probably not a true-or-false proposition.

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Yet asked to choose, we do. This tendency is an example of what Nobel Prize–winner Daniel Kahneman calls WYSIATI: what you see is all there is. We tend to respond to what’s presented to us. It takes extra effort to stop and ask, “What’s missing?” Our energy-conscious brains like to be efficient. The problem is that not having all of the information we need can lead us to make a poor decision.

Dr. Mazahrin Banaji of Harvard University and her colleagues have researched implicit bias It’s critical for executives to overcome this cognitive tendency to quickly make insufficiently informed binary choices. A decision to buy or sell, keep a project in-house or outsource it, work in the office or work from home, to name a few examples, can make or break a business and a career. And an in-between or hybrid option might be best. For instance, designating someone a leader versus manager artificially limits the person’s potential because executive roles require both skill sets. And the sharing economy was built Moving beyond binary choices creates a nuanced perspective on potential risks and opportunities.

In fact, one lesson I’ve learned Here are five ways to overcome binary blind spots and increase your chances of making better decisions.

• Map the possibilities. The win-win outcome that many profess to prefer is simply a win-lose option reframed through a classic two-• Deconstruct the binary. Two options don’t simply appear. Walk back through the steps • Solicit diverse ideas. Followers like to agree with their leaders. It’s important, therefore, for those in positions of power to signal their openness to other opinions and perspectives. Asking, “What are we missing?” for example, opens the aperture for expanded thinking. It helps create the psychological safety that enables those with less power to offer alternatives without fear of retribution. The right questions encourage debate and highlight the benefits of cognitive diversity.

• Make an array of options your standard. For decisions you have to make again and again, you can create multiple options that you’ll always consider. For example, Nobody Studios, a California-based venture studio, is constantly deciding which startup ideas to pursue. Co-founder Mark S. McNally told me it goes beyond the typical “fund or don’t fund” binary choice and instead structures its decisions around an “innovator’s wish list,” which includes possibilities such as pausing good ideas when market timing is off, or combining or splitting business ideas if they’re too small or too big.

• Insert an unworkable option. There are times when offering an option that everyone unanimously rejects can spur fresh alternatives. In one example that my Harvard colleague Lenny Marcus and I use in class, two healthcare CEOs are in a heated battle over the location of cutting-edge equipment that each organization has helped develop. There is funding for only one machine, and both CEOs want it. A lawsuit looms. A mediator breaks the logjam Think of your decision process as a lighting control. Too often, decisions are presented as a toggle switch where the choice is “on” or “off.” Instead, imagine a dimmer with myriad settings from dim and cozy to bright and clinical. With that metaphor in mind, you can view each decision in the best possible light.