Celebrity Psychings: Officially Off Hiatus!

Some of you might remember, my father was diagnosed with malignant ascites and, eventually, stage four colon cancer, this past fall.

During that time, and for a couple of months after his passing, I decided to take a break from Celebrity Psychings. It became to difficult to keep up with celebrity news and construct meaningful, mental health posts based on celebrity goings-on without coming across as gossipy or pageview-seeking.

(For example, I’m much more interested in writing pieces like 5 Mental Health Lessons We Can Learn From Celebrities, 7 Celebrity Quotes On Getting Older, Wiser, and Better, and Wentworth Miller: The First Time I Tried to Kill Myself I was 15 than I am on, say, minute-by-minute updates on Justin Bieber and his inevitable DUI.

(Though I’m definitely not saying there’s not a lesson to be learned there!)

Fortunately, my good friend and founder of everyminute.org, Michael Corbin, stepped in and contributed a few posts for my readers.

(Have you checked out his piece Celebrity Recovery From a Person Perspective yet? Great article inspired by Richard Dreyfuss and his battles with bipolar disorder.)

Now that the dust has settled, so to speak, I’m ready to begin writing Celebrity Psychings again. So, basically I just wanted to take this post to explain my absence, thank Michael for stepping up when I needed him, and ask YOU, sweet readers, what you’d like to see in upcoming Celebrity Psychings posts?

Thanks for sticking around! It’s great to be back



And they are apparently too stupid to realize how easy it is to ensure they are called out for their bad behavior.



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    Last reviewed: 30 Jan 2014