Cell labeling with magnetic nanoparticles: Opportunity for magnetic cell imaging and cell manipulation

This tutorial describes a method of controlled cell labeling with citrate-coated ultra small superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. This method may provide basically all kinds of cells with sufficient magnetization to allow cell detection by high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and to enable potential magnetic manipulation.

In order to efficiently exploit labeled cells, quantify the magnetic load and deliver or follow-up magnetic cells, we herein describe the main requirements that should be applied during the labeling procedure. Moreover we present some recommendations for cell detection and quantification by MRI and detail magnetic guiding on some real-case studies in vitro and in vivo.

Author: Jelena Kolosnjaj-TabiClaire WilhelmOlivier ClémentFlorence Gazeau
Credits/Source: Journal of Nanobiotechnology 2013, 11:S7

Published on: 2013-12-10


News Provider: EUPB – European Press Bureau

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